Best medical education app for interns, residents in Internal Medicine. Designed by physicians, for physicians.

Recognized by Major Institutions

As our network expands, we partner with multiple institutions to provide the most convenient medical resources for physicians in training. With institution-specific phone directory, rotation guidelines, Indigo looks to become an irreplaceable part for our users.

Current Partners:
University of Texas @ Houston
University of Virginia
Downy Hospital

Common diseases,  simplified.

Indigo breaks down most common diseases in internal medicine by organ systems. Unlike UpToDate or other reference sites, indigo puts diseases in simplified language and easiest to digest fashion.

Medical Calculators

Including ASCVD, CHADsVASC, WELL’s Score etc, Indigo’s total of 70+ current and upcoming calculators take the hassle away from googling commonly used medical calculators. 

Meet the Team

David Fink, M.D

Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder
Editor in Chief

Wei Yang, M.D

App Design Chief

Davis Huang, D.O.

Content Editor

Copyright © Indigo Med 2019
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